Monday, 28 February 2011

We want to thank all of you for watching us congratulate ourselves tonight. [Warren Beatty]

So it's that time of year again! With all eyes on what the stars chose to wear for the Oscars yesterday (Mila Kunis, personal favourite) I just thought I’d share this bizarre photo from the Oscars exactly twenty years ago:

Madonna rocking the Marilyn Monroe look with Michael Jackson? Yep in 1991 MJ and Madonna went on a date to the Oscars. Why and how are the questions that spring to mind. It's so weird and yet so awesome at the same time - I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in their limo.

What did you think of the Oscars? 

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Funny Face

After taking the pretty massive decision to change the whole direction of my life last year I’ve had a lot of time to follow fashion blogs for a while now – and it struck me that the ones I really liked were the ones that shared something else as well as clothes – inspiration and influences and the like. So I figure that’s what I'm going to do – a bit of clothes mixed with a bit of whatever takes my fancy.  You can never have enough fashion blogs in the world right?  Well maybe you can, and I'm no expert fashionista, but I might as well just have fun with it and jump onto the blogging bandwagon.

I was wracking my brains with what to start with when a flash of inspiration came to me (well, appeared) whilst flicking through TV channels yesterday. What is it about Audrey Hepburn? How can one person manage to embody style and elegance and impish mischievousness all at once?  Until someone figures it out and bottles it I’ll just have to content myself with coveting all things Audrey related.

 I’d love to say that I’ve had some sort of deep connection with her work from around the same age that I ran around the playground pretending I was Pikachu with my friends, but the reality is THIS is what introduced me to the amazing Audrey when I was a kid – 

Yep, a bag. Not that actual bag, but you get the idea. My Audrey fascination was born.

Since then I’ve seen the famous films like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany’s but yesterday it was the first time I’d ever been introduced to this:

In Funny Face not only do we get to see Audrey looking amazing in a multitude of costumes like this one -

Just. Wow. 

 but we also get to see her dancing round with Fred Astaire (and a lot of moody Frenchmen). If that wasn't impossibly stylish enough for you , it's set in Paris. 

Which brings me on nicely to this :

Top - Benneton, Jeans -  Topshop, Shoes - New Look 
Top- H&M, Shorts- Vintage (Shortest shorts I have ever owned, Audrey was probably too ladylike for these), Shoes - New Look 

Pearl Necklace - Vintage (Apologies for the rubbish quality - I don't have a proper camera)

This was my clumsy attempt at channelling the oh-so-simple chic vibes that Audrey pulls of so effortlessly in the film Funny Face.
That's how it's meant to be done. 

Okay so I’m definitely no Audrey I grant you. Still, if I squint I can just about pretend I’m sipping a cappuccino in Paris and not tea in my room.