Wednesday, 10 August 2011

An Eye for an Eye and the World Will Be Blind

Of course the London riots, particularly for everyone in the UK are impossible to ignore and everyone seems to have an opinion, so I might as well give my perspective - I realise that everyone is probably pretty sick hearing opinions so I'll put up an outfit post first and put my thoughts at the end.

I wore this to go out recently:

I bought this dress at a charity shop, it's meant to be a top but I wear it as a dress (hence it being a bit on the short side) and the boots are vintage - that sort of plum/wine red is one of my favourite colours. Quite a wintery looking outfit but summer seems to have decided to hide again.

Anyway, back to the riots. I don't live in London but I will do soon - it's a city I love and have visited a lot. Of course the riots are completely awful and have rightly caused outrage throughout the UK, but what annoys me is people stating that it is about government cuts and a political protest. I was in the centre of Athens when people were rioting and the fact is that it's an excuse for some idiots to go out and have (what they class) as a bit of fun - they get to have a fun night out burning things and maybe a Sony TV into the bargain. When people try and twist it to make it seem like it's got some big political message about "the youth of today" I find it really irritating. It's just a bunch of thugs using one man's death as an excuse to rampage around London.

I really hope that the worst of it is now over and those who have been affected can now get on with rebuilding their lives. But violence is never a form of protest - it is always pointless, ineffective and just plain wrong.

What are your thoughts?


  1. hey chick thanks for checking out my blog! yours is lovely and i'm following. i think the riots are an absolute disgrace, there was no political motivation there just greed and jealousy. thankfully it's all over and the cleanup efforts have been really inspiring. good luck in london! x

  2. lovee the combination of the black lace with those wine colored boots. so nice. i love london, and plan to move there eventually as well (let's hope i can secure a job or get in to graduate school so i can get a visa! haha), so i've been following the riots and agree with you completely. the fact that they're bringing the "youth of today" into it just shows how little they actually know about the youth. as you said, there aren't any underlying meanings to this riot, other than for a bunch of idiots to have a bit of fun destroying things and snag a few goodies a long the way.

    ps, thanks for checking out my blog, even in it's current state, haha. it's a bit of a hot mess right now. planning to launch it at the start of september and make it really lovely.

  3. There is nothing political or to be proud of all the people that was involved with the riots. I can't believe people did all this just for a pair of trainers and T.V anyway! love your wonderful dress! I'm a big fan of lace black dresses!! xx

  4. London's one of my favourite cities too and I'm super pissed about the idiot looters trashing it and endangering others. On a more shallow note, I'm mad jealous of the boots. I've been looking for a pair like that for ages!

  5. Lovin' your black lace top! =)

  6. Although I don't live in London, the riots looked very scary and I wouldn't have liked to be in the city when they were happening. It's such a shame that people think it's ok to do such a thing, I just hope they get what's coming to them.

  7. I love what you're wearing! It's perfect. :)

    I read about the riots. What happened to the Sony warehouse is horrible. So many records were set on fire. People are stupid and crazy. Seriously.

  8. I am totally understanding how you feel about protest, it gets totally out of hand! I love your red boots, so hot!! I am your newest follower, follow me back?

  9. That top/dress is lovely - got to love a bit of black and lace.

    Totally agree re: riots, such a stupid stupid mess. When will they realise that ruining people's businesses, homes and lives is wrong and unhelpful? Idiots.

  10. First of all, I love this outfit. Those boots are to die for and you look great. And I have to agree about the riots, it seems like people just start to actually enjoy rioting in some cases and they lose any meaning they ever had.

  11. Gorgeous dress and boots x

  12. AH YOU LOOK MARVELOUS. I love the lace detailing - it's the perfect touch, mmm.

    And I agree with you. Rioting... I just don't understand the purpose of fighting with hate.

  13. Love your boots. I'm 100% with you on the riots. x hivenn

  14. You look amazing! The lace and boots look great together. :) It seems like rioting is occurring more and more often these days, all over the place. Some of it may be justifiable to an extent, but no good will ever come of it, unfortunately.

  15. I don't know a lot about that riots, but if your opinion has even a shred of truth in it than that is so sad :( Protests, especially when people get hurt, should only have political motives. Not just people rampaging around for the hell of it. Hope it calms down over there.
