Saturday, 30 April 2011

Wedding Fever

It’s the wedding that everyone’s been talking about non-stop for the last few weeks (I've lost count of the number of “Will and Kate” themed shows flooding every TV channel) and yesterday the whole world got to see THE dress.It was worth the wait wasn't it? I mean just wow.

Everything thing about it was “just right” – the length, the cut, the detail – the effect was of understated glamour and just general omigodsopretty-ness without it being garish or fussy.

I was sat watching the whole thing in Snoopy pyjamas (not exactly your average wedding get-up) but I got into the spirit of things later with this Union Jack inspired outfit:

Pussy-bow blouse - was my Grandma's, velvet skirt- Topshop , socks - New Look, shoes - M&S

And you can’t get more English than tea-cup earrings and a tea-kettle necklace can you?

What did you think of the Royal Wedding?  


  1. i love blue velvet! and i thought the wedding was perfect and traditional. they're so great together


  2. Loving the shoes with those shoes!

    The royal wedding was great, Kate's dress was so elegant.


  3. Love the socks! Cute outfit & blog, very inspiring!


  4. ahhh!! those tea cup earrings and tea pot necklace are complete bliss to the eyes. so dainty and lovely. along with the royal wedding!! great post! :)

  5. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog. Anyway, I'd like to tell you my opinion about the Royal Wedding. It's great! I actually dreamed of it because of my excitement before the day of the wedding. You've got a nice shirt, love it!

  6. i love your look you look amazing

  7. I lurv the socks and shoes together!! They look so lolitia retro! I thought the blouse was comme des garcons! grandmas are amazing for clothing

  8. First of all, I love the background of your blog with the babushka dolls-- I have a sweater that looks almost exactly like it!! I really like your shoes and the earrings! I didn't watch the Royal Wedding as I live in California and I would have had to get up at 2am but I found the dress to be a bit boring but the wedding lovely. xx G

  9. Man, I looove your skirt! It looks so great on you! Cute top from Grandma too :). Thanks for the comment, I do get a bit uninspired by all of the somewhat nul "elegance" here in Paris, but that also means it's easier for me to stand out :)

    --Megan//The Martian Tide
